Who Are We

At Open Channel Software, we empower businesses through cutting-edge innovation, driving transformation with our expertise in strategy, technology, operations, and data management. Our primary focus is to harness the power of disruptive technologies such as Data Analytics, Blockchain, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Augmented Reality. With a steadfast “Get Things Done” culture, we operate without excuses or delays, consistently striving to exceed expectations.

We leverage our deep industry knowledge, specialized technical expertise, and extensive experience in data science to deliver exceptional results. Our globally connected delivery network allows us to maintain a “Customer first” approach, ensuring that we meet the unique needs of each client promptly and efficiently. Our cohesive team embraces a resolute mindset, overcoming obstacles quickly to achieve our goals.


Our mission at Open Channel Software is to be a trusted technology advisor, offering unparalleled services in strategy, AI enablement, product development, and digital transformation. We aim to assist our clients in making informed, data-driven decisions and introducing innovative products and services to the market. By doing so, we help businesses navigate the complexities of the modern technological landscape, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve.


Our vision is to be pioneers in addressing the most formidable challenges while remaining true to our core values. We aspire to lead in technological innovation, setting new standards in the industry through our commitment to excellence and integrity.

Comprehensive Services

At Open Channel Software, our comprehensive range of services is designed to cater to the diverse needs of businesses across various industries. Our strategic consulting services provide clients with the insights and guidance needed to develop and implement effective strategies. We offer AI enablement services that help businesses integrate artificial intelligence into their operations, enhancing efficiency and driving growth.

Our product development services are tailored to bring innovative ideas to life, from conceptualization to market launch. We specialize in digital transformation, helping businesses transition to digital platforms and optimize their operations for the modern digital economy. Our expertise in data management ensures that clients can harness the full potential of their data, making informed decisions that drive success.

Innovation and Technology

Innovation is at the heart of what we do at Open Channel Software. We are committed to exploring and implementing the latest technologies to provide our clients with a competitive edge. Our work in data analytics enables businesses to gain valuable insights from their data, identifying trends and opportunities that can drive growth. Blockchain technology offers secure, transparent solutions for a wide range of applications, from supply chain management to financial transactions.

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects devices and systems, allowing for seamless integration and improved efficiency. Our artificial intelligence solutions enhance decision-making processes and automate complex tasks, while augmented reality offers immersive experiences that can transform customer engagement and training processes.

Commitment to Excellence

At Open Channel Software, our commitment to excellence drives everything we do. We believe in a proactive approach, addressing challenges head-on and finding innovative solutions. Our team is dedicated to continuous improvement, always seeking new ways to enhance our services and deliver greater value to our clients.

Customer-Centric Approach

Our “Customer first” philosophy is more than just a slogan; it is a guiding principle that shapes our interactions and decisions. We understand that each client is unique, with specific needs and goals. By building strong, collaborative relationships, we ensure that we understand those needs and deliver tailored solutions that meet and exceed expectations.